Were I Queen of Everything, here is
I what I would like for next year.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Post-Christmas Post
So the first thing the oldest grandson said
when he saw tree was “Grandpa – do you have the army men?” Nothing says
Christmas like soldiers having maneuvers under the tree.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Pre-holiday Pardon
Today was proof of
an ongoing mystery that’s been building for the past two years. That mystery is
directly connected to the fact that I’ve now been retired from teaching for two
Anyone who is also
retired has asked themselves the same question:
“How did I get all this done when I
was working?’
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Putting Some Order in My Life
I was at Marshall ’s
yesterday trolling for Christmas gift inspiration. I did manage to score a few
things and took them to the check-out counter. It was quiet in the store – as a
contented retiree I’m able to shop at a time when the rest of the world is
dealing with ringing phones or maybe telling their students that staring at
their crotch either means they need to put away their cell phones or they might
have a bigger problem.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Formidable Formicidae
Here's my latest entry in
Five Sentence Fiction
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Thanksgiving Villanelle
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The Urn of Infamy
Among the
assortment of part-time jobs I had as my children were growing up was the
position of ward secretary on the neurological floor of the local hospital.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Dance of the Ages
Time for another installment of
Five Sentence Fiction
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Best Day Evah!
Baseball season
has ended, and in our neck of the woods it was a very BIG DEAL.
Very big.
Just in case you are immersed in some upstart sport like say, soccer (okay, football to some of you) or extreme Frisbee, you may not know that the Boston Red Sox just won the World Series. Still unclear? Think World Cup. And your home team just won it. Big doings.
Very big.
Just in case you are immersed in some upstart sport like say, soccer (okay, football to some of you) or extreme Frisbee, you may not know that the Boston Red Sox just won the World Series. Still unclear? Think World Cup. And your home team just won it. Big doings.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Beware of Little Girls Bearing Candy
Halloween is over
for another year and yesterday was pretty much the same as in the past.
Anyone on foot wanting to visit our house must first travel up a fairly busy
road that climbs the small mountain we have here in town. After about ¼ mile
they turn onto a dead-end street of six houses and then turn again to our
street of three houses, also a dead-end. Not the most fertile territory for
efficient candy-gathering. And it was raining last night.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Marriott Memories
The other day my
husband and I were standing in the backyard chatting with our friend John, a
master carpenter who was putting the finishing touches on our latest home
project. John is a retired motorcycle cop and bears an uncanny resemblance to
Joe Pesci, although a more handsome version. He’s also, unsurprisingly, fond of
motorcycling and as a result travels to Washington
D.C. at least once a year, particularly for
the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally held every year on the 4th
of July.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
A is for Amoral
Time for another installment of
Five Sentence Fiction. This week's
topic is Malice.
You'll find more entries at:
Lillie McFerrin Writes
Five Sentence Fiction. This week's
topic is Malice.
You'll find more entries at:
Lillie McFerrin Writes
A little girl with a wide smile and something unnamable
behind her blue eyes.
Distracted parents, phones in hand, believing the best,
ignoring the signs, rush through lessons, appointments, destinations,
No time for pausing to really look, and listen, and realize.
But it is already too late; the cartridge of malice slips
silently into the barrel of her mind as she selects her target.
The die has been cast.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Autumn in Massachusetts
Yesterday found me in the woods, hiking through
a town nature preserve that had once been a
flourishing orchard, but may one day be
overtaken by the forest that surrounds it.
Friday, October 11, 2013
The Man With No Face
She meets me with mask already on
Halloween-contrary, it covers her mouth and nose.
Ushered to the very end of the hall
Where screams are muffled by distance?
Monday, October 7, 2013
Seasonal Schizophrenia
Every fall it seems that the calendar is saying one thing and the natural world around me is saying another.
Here we are in the second week of October and our weather is behaving more as though it thinks we're sailing out of May.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Relentless March
Join the creative challenge at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads. Choose one or more names from the list of liquid refreshers and do what you will.
The Arrogant Bastard of Time chugged
across her forehead
etching his tracks.
She grew bangs.
The Arrogant Bastard of Time swung
below her upper arms,
stretches of earthbound wings.
She discarded all things sleeveless.
The Arrogant Bastard of Time swiped
through her hair,
paintstrokes of deadened gray.
She dyed it scarlet.
The Arrogant Bastard of Time corroded
her vertebrae, ilium, phalanges,
pre-oiled creakings of the Tin Man.
She embraced glucosomine, chondroitin, and yoga.
The Arrogant Bastard of Time razed
the structures of her mind,
echoing skyscrapers now ghettos.
She. . .
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
On the Road
Retirement means
finally waking up when you feel like it – or in my case, when my cat decides I
should get up. It also means freedom to go where you want when you want.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
A Cautionary Tale
This week's topic for Five Sentence Fiction is:
You will find more entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes
scratched her stomach and looked down as she stood on the scales in her
pajamas; not the number she had been hoping for.
You will find more entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes
She stepped off and shuffled into the kitchen to start the
coffee machine but before she could reach the counter she felt a pull to the
other side of the room where the big white refrigerator sat.
She stood there, bemused, but as long as she was there,
reached inside for the remains of last night’s tiramisu.
Turning back to the counter, sticky dessert plate in hand,
she was oblivious to the souvenirs from past trips that were arranged on the
appliance - tiny ceramic lemons from Sorrento ,
a scene from Mount Vernon , the
logo of the Boston Red Sox, and many others.
They had gathered to form a ring of magnetism, a ring that
not only held them to the refrigerator, but had also drawn her to it as well.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Far Away Time
special holidays and birthdays our phone in Virginia would ring.
It would be my
grandfather calling from Oklahoma
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
This week's entry for Five Sentence Fiction is

You will find links to more entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes
A mirror ran the length of the conference room and as Beth
turned her attention to the documents before her, she noted that the younger
woman to her right used the moment to run one hand over her long black hair.
Beth remembered that reflex, the one that went with taking
for granted how many heads would turn as she entered a room.
She looked down with satisfaction at her hands, now embossed
with learning how to shape her own life.
Age had freed her; her hair, her skin, her body were all
finally her own.
Now emancipated from beauty, she smiled at the staff before
her as she opened her meeting.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Everyday Truths
When I ran a few errands yesterday, I encountered some of life's truths:
On my first errand, although there were several legitimate spots available, I watched as a woman created her own parking space at the end of a row and only ten
feet from the front of the store.
This is a person who probably feels more entitled to life’s perks
than the rest of us.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
When Home Projects Bring on the Blues
I woke up today with no great
expectations. The only definites were breakfast and the Sunday paper. Yesterday
I’d pulled weeds and trimmed bushes, so probably no gardening today.
Like many mornings, before I’d even
had my cup of tea I’d stripped the bed, put on new sheets, loaded the washer,
emptied the kitty litter box and fed the cat. While waiting for Himself to
return from his coffee run I knocked out a few pages of the new book – I’ve
almost got the kid out of the well and yes, his name is Timmy. Then breakfast,
paper and now time for a Project. Not a big one, just something to fill maybe
45 minutes.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Fabric of Life

You will find links to more entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes
Ivy absentmindedly rubbed one hand over her rounded belly,
while the other held the chosen quilt pattern; she contemplated the rigidly
aligned material, blue ginghams leading to blue calico, blue dots, then blue
Friday, August 16, 2013
August Garden
For the past twenty years the end of
summer has found me turning my back on my garden to search out my lunch tote,
hunt out the best deals to stock my classroom, and practice wearing real shoes
Sunday, August 11, 2013
What I Did On My Summer Vacation
We're back. The car is emptied - except for all the sand, which I'm sure even after a good vacuuming will still travel around with me for some time to come. The washer is on its 4th or 5th load and the cat is recovering from a week of loneliness and neglect (in spite of the kind people who came to feed him and visit two times each day).
Monday, August 5, 2013
Five sentence fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist.
Each week there is a one-word prompt and anyone can enter a five sentence story related to that prompt.
You will find links to more entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes
This week's word is Bliss.
An elbow sliced into her midsection, its owner oblivious to
the assault.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Cape (Cod) Crusaders
We all know about piling sheets and towels for
the event known as Packing Days. These are the four or five days before you
load up the family car for the annual trip to the Cape .
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Going the Distance

You'll find links to more entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes
My apologies for crossing the line into non-fiction.
This entry is dedicated to Dick and Rick Hoyt.
No “vegetable”, he was in there; the nurses and the doctors
didn’t see him, but his parents did.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Plein Air
My fella has a new love. It began several years
ago on Cape Cod, and I thought that once home, he would let it go. But each
year the fascination was renewed.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
You'll find links to more entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes
This week's topic is Wisdom,
something we could all use more of.
“Billy – come on – we’ve got to get to the doctor’s; I don’t care if Steve Jobs did ask you for that new app of yours.”
Surrounded by monitors, keyboards and assorted electronics,
Billy muttered to himself, “Tim Cook, Ma, Tim Cook – Steve Jobs is dead and I
will be too if they don’t get this by tomorrow.”
Twenty minutes later, he was in the big padded chair with a
mouthful of gauze and a masked man approaching him, a gleaming instrument in
his gloved hand.
“We’ll have those wisdom teeth out in no time, Billy.”
Thursday, July 18, 2013
It’s hard to say which of our outer
casings we’re more obsessed with – our clothes or our bodies. We can easily
define ourselves with our sartorial choices and go from conservative to wild
with one small step into a changing room. Clothes are wonderfully temporary,
and are our social armor, disguising or revealing our real selves.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Distant Memory
Time for this week's:

You will find other offerings at:
Lillie McFerrin Writes

You will find other offerings at:
Lillie McFerrin Writes
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Movie Night
The other night my guy and I decided to get out and see a
movie. We live only 10 minutes from a mall that has a complex of at least 8
theaters. Unfortunately, everything playing there was either for kids, already
seen, or just plain bad.
The only theater offering a movie new to us is a ramshackle
affair in another town.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Here we go again. This week's topic:

- Flight -
You can find links to other entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes
Five Minute Fiction
Rose's room in the nursing home looked very much like her
neighbor's at first glance: the same number of walls, two windows, the family
quilt on the bed, a favorite chair, a huge piece of family furniture - in her
case a wide dresser - ungainly in the room but holding too many memories to
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