Why do tangerines and clementines only seem to come in bags of twelve? This two-person household isn’t always up to the challenge. We’re working our way through this batch, but we must not have moved quick enough on the last bag, which offered gray moldy surprises on several of the last few.
And why
is it so difficult to find one-pound bags of carrots (many of them horse-sized)?
I realize that, unlike tangerines, carrots have an impressive shelf life, but
there’s a finite amount of room in my fridge’s vegetable drawer.
I also
don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for smaller packages of chicken parts. My grocery
store will often only put out chicken thighs in packs of eight or ten pieces.
Again, limited room in my freezer for the extras. Added to that, I’ve noticed
it’s almost impossible at this same store to buy one pound of hamburger. All –
and I mean all – “pounds” of hamburger there weigh in at 1.28 pounds, a crafty
way of getting us to buy up.