Thursday, July 25, 2024

Communication after 54 years

There is a place in the next town called Girlee’s. It’s pretty much a plain square box of a place, possibly cinder block based, and looks as though it would be well-known to truckers. It has a reputation, though, as a good spot for breakfast.

          I have to admit to being a comfy-booth-omelet-ordering sort of breakfaster, and I have a suspicion this place will turn out to be a stool-at-the-bar-hashbrown kind of place, but My Guy has mentioned going there more than once, so I decided what the heck, why not.

          The only thing is, last night when we talked about it, the conversation went thusly:

          He: “So do you want to go out for breakfast tomorrow?”

          Me:“Well, I have to pick up friends at 12:15, so what time would we leave?”

          (Knowing that My Guy typically doesn’t have all wheels on the ground before 9:30 or 10:00)

          He: “We could leave at 8:30.” (This was true heroism on his part.)


          Except I really didn’t want to rush, we were busy on Friday, and we had absolutely nothing going on Saturday, and I pointed this out, thinking now we were organized. We could enjoy a leisurely breakfast, meander on our way home, and no one would have to leap out of bed or rush back.


          We went to bed, and I woke up this morning with plans of doubling my morning walk today, then popping out for chicken and corn for tonight’s dinner before I leave at noon.

          At 7:30, someone’s (other than me) phone alarm went off.

          “Why did you set your alarm?”

          “Aren’t we going out for breakfast?”    


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Future Gardens


As we teeter back and forth these days from the Slough of Despond to tenuous hope, it might be heartening to contemplate the gardens I see on my walk.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Ye Olde False Front


Today I had lunch with a friend at an inn so historic that its trees in front were planted in 1791 by Ebenezer Crafts. A lovely story, but I do have to wonder a bit since they’re supposedly elms, and in the 1970s 77million elms died thanks to the Dutch elm disease that swept through New England.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Gardening for the future


In keeping with this whole national hyperattention to aging, My Guy and I met with an elder lawyer on Friday. First of all, I feel in no way qualified to count myself in the ranks of elders, but there we are.

Thursday, July 11, 2024



    A few years ago, when sweet Mamie was still with us, mention of my perfect little dog would somehow end up in my conversation. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Monday at the Mall

 For the first time in what has to be at least two years, I paid a visit to the big shopping mall in the next town.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Home on the Farm


A quiet day here, catching up on laundry and completing riveting tasks like putting baking soda and vinegar down the drain to clean it up a bit.