Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Market Mysteries


Why do tangerines and clementines only seem to come in bags of twelve? This two-person household isn’t always up to the challenge. We’re working our way through this batch, but we must not have moved quick enough on the last bag, which offered gray moldy surprises on several of the last few.


And why is it so difficult to find one-pound bags of carrots (many of them horse-sized)? I realize that, unlike tangerines, carrots have an impressive shelf life, but there’s a finite amount of room in my fridge’s vegetable drawer.


I also don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for smaller packages of chicken parts. My grocery store will often only put out chicken thighs in packs of eight or ten pieces. Again, limited room in my freezer for the extras. Added to that, I’ve noticed it’s almost impossible at this same store to buy one pound of hamburger. All – and I mean all – “pounds” of hamburger there weigh in at 1.28 pounds, a crafty way of getting us to buy up.

Sunday, February 2, 2025



Sunday – my day to change the bed. Which set me to thinking –

        We were with friends of ours and they happened to mention that their daughter’s job involved travel. Thinking it was probably visiting branches of a company or clients of some kind, I asked what it was that she did for a living.

Saturday, February 1, 2025



After the most excellent suggestion by River  (thank you again!), My Guy and I took ourselves to the Goodwill book store. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Wearing Dead People's Clothes


          For someone who hates to pay full price for anything, our little town in Florida can be a breath of fresh air. Not only is there a TJ Max/Homegoods right up the road, the place is blanketed in consignment shops.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Morning Yoga

 After scanning the huge selection at the also huge YMCA here, I thought I might have found a yoga class. It wasn’t as though there weren’t several to choose from, but at this point in life my yoga abilities aren’t what they used to be, although I’m not at the chair yoga stage.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Words to live down

 In a movie or television show when a fatherly type sits knee to knee with a younger character and imparts words to live by. Not my family. They had plenty to say, but I can’t remember anyone sharing their philosophy of life or offering any thoughts to steer me on the right path.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Housebound and happy


After the drama of the past weeks, I’m thrilled to report that today is delightfully dull. No weird texts, no inroads into the bank account, no frantic calls from the credit card people, and nowhere in particular to go. Bliss.