Saturday, August 29, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Monday, August 24, 2015
A Simple Morning
After two days at home, the plan
was to get out and rub elbows with someone other than my loving husband, while
also accomplishing some errands.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
In Praise of Aimlessness
After last weekend’s achievement of getting seven people on
time from our house to a wedding three towns away, followed later by orchestrating
three days of activities for the grandboys with the precision of a landing at Normandy,
I’m learning to appreciate retirement all over again.
Friday, August 21, 2015
pile of improbably-colored sneakers is gone, the doorknobs are de-stickified,
and the two-inch-deep aggregate of popcorn has been scraped from the kitchen
floor. The house is silent.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Banjoes, Bugs, and Bubbles
eHarmony, and
other online dating services seem to be doing their job. We’ve known several
couples, at least two of them in their 60s, who are together today because of
them. Our nephew is the latest in the list.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Fuzzy Things
In his prime, our
now-departed – and deeply missed - cat Satchel was a hefty guy. Even as a
kitten he stood taller than most cats, and he definitely outweighed the little
Scottie dog that he’d chase back up the street from time to time.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Sweet Visitor
I sit here, even though there’s not a breath of air in the trees, the leaves of
the mountain laurel outside my office window are fluttering away. It’s not a
teensy, tiny microburst, but rather the hummingbird who has become my new BFF.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Home is where the laundry is
Friday, August 7, 2015
The Mean Streets of Eastham
Our vacation week is winding down and soon we’ll be
returning to our normal beachless life. That is, we will as long as one of my
morning walks here doesn’t result in my husband driving around, calling my name
from the car window because I’ve never made it back.
Maybe it’s my inner gyroscope that is tilted off-kilter as
soon as our tires hit the sandy roads of the Cape, but I
find it almost impossible to navigate here.
If we’ve had the bad judgment to put me behind the wheel, we’ll
set off in the car, pull to the end of our tiny, tree-shrouded road, and my husband
will ask why I’m turning left instead of right, or taking Great Pond Road
instead of Samoset. The honest truth is that I have no idea where I’m going.
A rat in a maze has a higher probability of getting to his
goal than I do.
The roads here are to the most part unlabeled, and more
circuitous than a twisted colon.
I’ll think I have a handle on the relationship of one road
to another – “Oh yes”, I say, “this road is parallel to that other
one and therefore leads to. . .”
But then it doesn’t, because it takes a whimsical turn, and
then a dogleg, and then jogs back in another direction.
Yesterday I thought I’d be safe if I walked in a tidy
circle, which would therefore bring me back to where I began. I plugged my book
on tape into my head (Frog Music by Emma Donoghue) and set off for the
end of our road, following a route that I thought would be logical, one road
leading to another, and back again.
I did make it back, but only after walking right past the
entrance to our tiny road (no street sign) and having to retrace my steps. If
it hadn’t been for that gigantic hydrangea bush I noticed the first time
around, I’d still be out there.
I’ve already informed my husband he’s forbidden to have any
emergencies requiring me to leap in the car and drive him to medical care.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
PM and AM
After Monday’s lunch at Martha’s Vineyard
($14 dollars extra to add four shrimp to my salad), we decided yesterday that
it might be wise to scale down a bit.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Nice of them to name an island after me . . . .
Yesterday we zipped over to Martha’s
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Sand and Tchotchkes
Every year at this time we head out for a week at the Mecca
of Massachusetts, Cape Cod.
Beach Read

In between my other posts, I'll be popping in a few excerpts from my book, Earthly Needs.
(There's a link to Amazon oh-so conveniently located to the right of this page.)
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