Monday, August 5, 2013


Five sentence fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. 
Each week there is a one-word prompt and anyone can enter a five sentence story related to that prompt. 

You will find links to more entries at
Lillie McFerrin Writes

This week's word is Bliss.

An elbow sliced into her midsection, its owner oblivious to the assault. 

She held her drink, smiling woodenly, as faces were thrust at hers, nattering inanities: “.. don’t look a day older. .so lovely to see. . . must get together.”

The room constricted, the lights overhead grew laser-like, the music drilled into her ears, and the voices neared a crescendo of shrieks.

 Unnoticed, she took her aching feet and ringing head and slipped out of a side door, to her car, her door, her back yard.

The silence was deep and welcome, and she sat in the dark and lifted a glass to herself. 

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