Monday, November 6, 2023

Writing Building Bending Winning

 What I’ve been doing:

Handwriting notes.

 An acquaintance send us photographs of a past trip that we were on with her and her husband - actual photographs. My Guy had run into her at the grocery store, and three days later a fat packet arrived in our mailbox.

Between the glossy pics and writing a thank you card (a quick email wouldn’t have cut it), it all felt very pre-millennium. But it also reminded me of how awful my handwriting is (I used to hate writing notes to parents when I was a teacher) and my sore hand told me how rarely I write anything anymore.


Feathering (or organizing) my nest.

          This closet is in a place where we hung store clothes. Instead, it’s always held piles of bins and boxes of toys for grandkids. After assembling these shelves and wedging them in there, anyone who wants it out will have to wait for the building to fall into rubble around them. But now I finally have a place to store that Lego and the extra pillows and blankets when we have an over-abundance of company.


(Major foot cramp here)

       Persevering with Yoga.

(Gimpy shoulder not happy)
          I went again this Sunday to the ‘Gentle Yoga’ class. Gentle, HA! We had a youngish substitute instructor who had a very different interpretation of gentle. Plank position? Bridge?  She needs to learn that older bodies need a bit of a warm up and some body parts are never again going to bend the way they used to.


Searching for a Mahjong home.

          Friday I drove over several hills and through a few towns to try a new venue. It’s beautiful at this library, next to a water fall, and the ladies were very kind (although pretty much all of them had a good ten years on me and I’m no spring chicken), but I realized it’s just too far to travel. And with the time change, I’d be returning in the dark, plus rush hour traffic. My brain definitely got a work out, though. This game takes way more concentration than chess. Oh, and I won twice! And these ladies play for money. $2.00 richer, Baby!!!


  1. Once upon a time my handwriting was small but perfectly legible. Those days have gone. It is shameful now.
    I am also as flexible as a brick so your yoga experience spoke to me too. I don't think I could do a plank OR a brige.

  2. I can no longer write, so I print. I'm a lovely printer. Your majong experience is lovely. I sure hope you can find a closer group.

    1. To complete my Masters in English, the university required 4 hours of handwritten essay. Definitely couldn't do that today.

  3. Even my printing is almost unreadable. we spend most of our time on a keyboard.

    1. I'm one of the dinosaurs who learned how to type back in high school. I can type - without looking - pretty much at the speed you would speak.

  4. I also have poor handwriting skills these days. I start out nicely, legibly, but half way down the page (or sooner) it becomes scrawl and by the end even I can't read half of it.
    A meme I read online recently said "It's never too late to exercise, that's why I'm waiting till later" so I'll put off trying yoga for now.

  5. You sound pretty active for an old one. I used to have pretty decent handwriting during my teaching days, but now my hands are stiff and my writing is pretty bad.


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