Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Try again next week


The theme for this week seems to be one of cancellations.

I should have been trudging up hill and down dale today, pushing a bag full of golf clubs, but the weatherman conned me into thinking it would rain all day. My golf buddy and I know how to re-group, though, and we went out for breakfast instead. Good life lesson: if you can’t exercise, eat. And of course the sun shone all day.

          Our plans for this evening were postponed due to a cold that hit me like a freight train over the weekend and departed just as quickly, jumping tracks over to My Guy, to whom I passed the NyQuil torch and big box of tissues. We were going to swing over to Providence, RI tonight and see the grand-twins and wish our son a happy birthday(50th!!* unbelievable), but they’ve just managed to get the girls back into pre-school this week after a bout of Covid at their house (imported from school). We would have felt terrible if our visit left a new deposit of germs. When one of the girls is sick, no one sleeps as the bed-hopping goes on all night long.

          And I spent much of yesterday re-reading my first book, Earthly Needs, since I was supposed to participate Friday in a local author gathering at a facility here in town, but that was just canceled due to, you guessed it, Covid. I haven’t really gone back to read it for years, and the good news is that even though it’s my first, I’m not embarrassed to claim it as mine. Phew.


  1. I hope health returns to your household.
    How wonderful that you are 'not embarrassed' by your first book. I suspect that you are harder on yourself than you are on other authors.

    1. My Guy now has it and I'm thinking today would be a good day to run errands - any errands. ;0)

  2. That nasty covid just keeps hanging on doesn't it? I don't think we will ever be rid of it.

  3. Going out for breakfast is a fine thing.

    1. All those calories and all day to work them off!


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