Monday, July 31, 2023

A good day all around


I’m happy to report that I’m going to unpack my hospital “go” bag.

  Recurrent pain in the dead of night a week ago continuing into the week had me thinking I might be about to re-enact the pancreatitis I had a few years ago. I really didn’t want to repeat my stay of three days of no food while lying on a mattress that was the equivalent of a sway-backed horse, with its epic sag in the middle.

          A week of incredibly bland no-fat food, mild starvation, and prodding by my daughter convinced me to see my doctor today, who not only assured me it was likely just gastritis, but who also checked out my wonky shoulder (No, not a rotator cuff gone bad. Just too much pickleball.)

          I’ll try not to think about the fact that my new prescription warns me of side effects ranging from shortness of breath to stooped posture (!) and loss of height (!).

          And today’s mail brought a check from a bookstore that had sold a handful of my books but never responded when I asked about the proceeds a year ago. They might want to speed up their financial process.

          Now I’m going to get wild and crazy and eat something that isn’t white, and I might even go all out and have a cup of tea that is caffeinated.


  1. EXCELLENT news. On all counts. Enjoy your walk on the wild side.

  2. Good to hear good news about your health! And a bit of money is nice, too.

    1. The check would barely pay for a nice breakfast, but it's the principle of the thing.

  3. So good to hear your pancreas is behaving itself.

    1. Yes, the less I hear from that area, the better.

  4. I am also glad to hear you are doing well, and that you don't have to repeat that awful experience again. Sending you smiles and virtual hugs.

  5. Ah, these maladies. I hope you can get back to pickleball. I probably would love that game.

    1. I became even fonder of my doctor when he admitted to playing pickleball himself and feeling the effects of it later. If I want to hang onto my knees, I'll have to limit myself to once a week.

  6. What medication did you get? I have recurrent gastritis too and I'm on lansoprazole (Prevacid). I ignore all mention of side effects.

    1. I'm taking the unpronounceable Omeprazole, whatever that is. The most bizarre side effects are for unfortunate few who take it over a long period of time.

  7. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Pancreatitis sounds awful all around. "loss of height"? Medicine gets stranger ever day, it seems. Enjoy your caffeine buzz,.

  8. The CDC or some official group has stated that injuries to people over 50 have increased by 10-15% due to pickleball! Hope you will be better and on less medication soon.


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