Monday, February 21, 2022

Pre-school Précis


In case you’d like to compare your past week to what the under-four set are up to, here’s the wrap-up from our twin granddaughters’ preschool.

          Just a few of last week’s activities:

Burying dinosaurs in cornmeal

Kicking, throwing, and scooping snow

Adding cornmeal to Playdough (begs the question: was that addition planned?)

Sorting fish and fruit at the water table (one hopes they were faux fish and fruit)

Practicing deep breathing (as did the teachers, I imagine, after being confronted

                 with all that Playdough full of cornmeal)

Looking at a worm at First Baptist Park

Reading “Hands Are Not For Hitting” (clever pre-emptive strike here)


          My favorite part of the report is always the “What are the children talking about” section. Some of them are queries that have crossed my own mind on occasion.

If you eat too much of something do you turn into it?

Our stuffies are special to us. (I remember sleeping surrounded by a wall of stuffed  

                    animals on either side of me. . .As a child! As a child!)

          And for a heavier topic:

When people get old, they can die -fish, other animals, and plants also die.


          Here you thought you had a weighty week. Being 4 can be hard work.


  1. It sounds like it was fun, even if not exactly the most esoteric of queries. :-)

  2. I do not remember what happened when I was four. No school, for sure. My brother sat under the dining room table and played alone. My other brother was not here yet. I went with my grandmother often. The dining room table boy would not come with us.

  3. These hilarious accounts read more like a journal than lesson plans!

  4. Being 4 is the perfect time for those sorts of things. I never had stuffies as a child, which is why I have so many now.

  5. Seems like they have an awful lot of surplus cornmeal.

  6. Amazing what 4-year-olds learn. I wonder if my first grade was at all like that. I just remember never being able to leave our desk.


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