Monday, May 24, 2021

The Scent of Spring

The temps around here have been as erratic as those of a 55-year-old woman.

After a mild week, Saturday and Sunday rocketed to the upper 80s, but when I took Mamie out at 7 pm, I regretted not bringing a jacket.

     We’d had a bacon-involved dinner, so yesterday evening I opened up the windows only to close them a half-hour later. It was either that or put on socks and a sweatshirt. Still, I never learn, and the bedroom seemed a little stuffy, so before turning out the light I cracked a bedroom window.

     It’s spring in Massachusetts and we live on the edge of a patch of woods, so you’d think I’d remember that this wasn’t the best of ideas. At 3:30 a.m it became clear why as the pungent aroma of skunk enveloped the room like a San Francisco fog.



  1. It was 10C/50F here this morning.

  2. Our temperatures have been all over the shop too. No skunks though.

  3. So Spring in Mass is like a menopausal woman? At least you don't get bored with sameness.

  4. Oh, that's awful! I always sleep with my windows open, but after something like that, I'd have to close mine, too. Hope the smell is gone by now.

  5. I'm so glad we don't have skunks here. I much prefer the smell of bacon.

  6. Oh Lord. As long as the skunk wasn't inside!


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