Monday, December 2, 2019

Oh, the things you can do in bed



          Origin : Greek

          An inability or refusal to get out of bed

          If ever there was a day to succumb, this is it. Storm Ezekiel arrived mid-Sunday, and like too many uninvited guests, doesn’t seem to realize when it’s time to leave.

          We received at least 6 inches of snow over the last 24 hours, and there’s more on the way, made even more delightful by the possibility of sleet and freezing rain.

As a post-Thanksgiving thought, this is the time to be grateful for my Saturday stocking-up trip to the library, the sewing project upstairs, and the turkey bone broth ready for the addition of vegetables and noodles.

Topping the gratitude roster is the fact that we’re here in Condoland where someone else had to throw on their boots and 15 layers to deal with all this (and will be back later today to do it all again).

As the definitive example of clinomania, today at 7:30 a.m. I put technology to use. We have a camera overlooking out driveway, linked to our Nest system. It’s less about security than the fact that thanks to a lack of strategic windows, I never knew when a friend had pulled into the driveway to pick me up. Now all I do is pull out my phone to check.

Today, before ever putting a foot to the floor, I was able to watch our driveway being plowed and our walks being snow-blowed. Progress is a beautiful thing. 


  1. Clinomania made me think of one of Charles Darwin's sisters. In her teens she had a low grade fever and was advised to have breakfast in bed for a time. She didn't get up to breakfast again in her very long-lived life.
    I am very glad that you could see the snow, but not have to work in it. And a big hooray for libraries.

  2. I love the fact that you can do all that stuff right there from your bed. And that picture of Mamie looking like she's never getting up is perfect. :-)

  3. That's a lot of drive not to be responsible for. Well done.

  4. Some days I wish somebody else would shovel snow but most of the time I enjoy it.As for getting out of bed I've no problem. I do not set alarm clocks.

  5. My Lola is copying your Mamie. She hasn't left my bed since midnight and it's 4.52pm now.

  6. I can appreciate your storm, since it seems we got about as much as you did, and I am once more one with the roof rake and the roof. Ain't winter grand, eh. (I am also, praise allah, back with the blog. No idea how, or why, just keep pushing buttons and suddenly all the lights were on. )


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