Thursday, October 3, 2019

Trashcan Blues

My life is now garbage. Or at least, focused on garbage.
As I’ve mentioned before, we’re about to hit the road in a matter of days. Our trash pick-up is inconveniently timed for the day after we leave. While friends have offered to welcome our trash to the bosom of their barrels, I’d be more comfortable dealing with this ourselves. Plus, it’s an opportunity to tap into our creative sides.

          Things had piled up a bit at the beginning of the week, so we disguised the trash in a different bag and My Guy set forth on Tuesday, hoping to score. Forty-five minutes into his errands, things were getting a bit odorous. Fortunately, he discovered an unwatched and welcoming barrel at a bakery/ice cream shop in town. That handmade peppermint ice cream cone was the sacrifice he was willing to make for the family.

          With that success, we decided small frequent runs would be the ticket. Last night at dinner we talked about a scouting mission after we ate, but by then it had grown dark and our enthusiasm had dwindled.

          Today on my way to get my hair cut, I viewed the world around me with new eyes. Cumberland Farms? Nope – the barrel was too close to the door and prying eyes.

Center of town? No public trash bins that I could see.

          A block before my hairdresser’s, there it was. A CVS with two barrels, a veritable gold mine of garbage. Even better, one was on the side of the building, out of view. I parked and approached, plastic bag in hand, trying my best not to look like I was doing a drug drop but realizing too late that my jacket collar was up and I was still wearing my sunglasses. Even if I didn’t look suspicious, I certainly felt it. But I made contact, turned on my heel and left. I’m not sure I’m cut out for this shiftier side of life.  


  1. It seems there are a LOT of people here who are dancing on the shifty side. ALL of our public bins now have signs up saying that using them for household waste is prohibited.

  2. Wow. wish I had time before a trip to make such little errands.

  3. Since I put one small bag of trash out per week, and a waste basket not necessarily full of paper, I made a deal with a neighbor who seemed to be doing just that. In exchange for rolling my cans out and back, he can share. Win/win.

  4. Why not just put out the trash as usual then have the obliging neighbours bring your emptied bins in for you?

    1. Our closest neighbor has a critically ill husband, the couple I know across the street are 86 years old, and others I don't know well enough to ask.

  5. We have scofflaws like some people I know who use our apartment bins weekly. Since it's always stuffed full except for the day after they pick up, I have grown used to seeing strangers dumping their garbage. I hope you have a great trip! :-)


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