Thursday, September 27, 2018

The incredible shrinking woman

One more body part gone.
Yesterday I waved goodbye to my gall bladder, the possible cause of that attack of pancreatitis in July. I still have a tooth extraction to go, but that was put off till November due to yesterday’s surgery. At this rate, I’ll be a mere slip of a thing and can stop worrying about weight gain.

          It all went well – in at noon, out at 5:30, thanks to laparoscopic surgery. My stomach is now polka-dotted with bandaids from all the holes they drilled, but the healing goes quickly. I was actually (and still am) dreading the tooth-pull more than the surgery. There was that one moment before they wheeled me in when I suddenly recalled those horror stories of people for whom the anesthesia goes wonky and they feel the knife but are unable to respond.

 But then for some reason one of the OR nurses started telling me about somewhere in Europe (I don’t remember any other details - the meds were kicking in nicely at this point) where there are so many dead they have to store the bodies in refrigerator trucks. The other nurse yelled at her for telling me gruesome stories just before getting operated on, but I said it was interesting and then we all laughed uproariously. Must have been the meds – but then again, what were they on? Hmmm.


  1. I didn't know they could remove gall bladders by laparoscopic means. How amazing.
    Good luck on the tooth front.

  2. Glad to hear you are healing well and quickly. The tooth pulling should be a breeze, the anaesthetics these days are far better than when we were children. I recently had two roots removed after the teeth broke off at gum level, didn't feel a thing.

  3. Ditto what EC said. You made me laugh, maybe not uproariously, but I didn't have any meds in my system when I read this. :-)

  4. amazing how many body parts we can do without.

  5. I've had gum surgery, root canals, tooth extractions, and never felt a thing. The stuff they give you these days is powerful, but I would advise you not to plan on drinking or eating until you can feel your face again. =)

  6. Wow. That sounds like fun(?). Sorry and glad you are up and around and sending good thoughts for the tooth extraction. Ask for lots of pain killers.

  7. You are so funny! Sorry, I'm late, but glad your surgery is over. Hope by now you are feeling much better.

  8. :0 You will be glad it is gone! Those OR Nurses say they hear the darndest things from patients in the OR so they must have some great stories. I am glad it all went well:)


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