Saturday, September 23, 2023



Yesterday I had my annual visit to the eye doctor.

With 20/20 vision most of my life, I finally need a prescription for distance. I’ve only started getting my eyes checked for the last few years. Yes, I know, I know – glaucoma, etc. but I’ve cleaned up my act and now attend faithfully.

          The biggest decision before I went – eyeliner or no eyeliner? Mascara for sure or else I’d look like those portraits of Elizabeth the 1st , who appears to have no lashes. And does my eye doctor even have an opinion about eye make-up? And why do I care?

          We’re lucky to have an excellent optometrist. He’s also a pretty spiffy dresser, so that adds a dash of interest even if things are a bit blurry. He didn’t have on his alligator shoes this time, but instead wore gray camo old-school sneakers and a sweater in a stunning shade of purple.

          I haven’t filled his prescription for the past couple of years since it changed so little, but this time I caved. Thank heavens for insurance, which paid for most of the visit.  I saved some money by not opting for new frames, but the total bill before insurance's contribution was hefty. When I got home, I pointed out to My Guy all the money I’ve saved us over the years with my good eyesight.

I was a catch!


  1. You are so fortunate to only just now joining the ranks of us who need new glasses occasionally, and I also reuse frames, which are ungodly expensive. It is nice to be able to see details, though.

    1. Remarkable the difference in that eye chart with and without the specs.

  2. That is an appointment on my agenda. On the health front I am definitively NOT a good catch. Mind you, neither is himself. I hadn't even realised before I took up with him that lungs could spontaneously collapse, not bowels rupture.

    1. Scary things. No one needs their bodies producing those surprises.

  3. Good job! Yes, even with insurance, new glasses can pack a punch. I've "progressed" to progressive len$e$ - no longer the catch I once was ;)

  4. You've had remarkable eyesight. Both my wife's and mine actually improved in older age. Neither of us usually wears glasses now, but she does have readers.

    1. Funny. It was first in graduate school in my 40s (English. Sometimes two novels a week) that I started using 'cheaters'. If I'd just stuck with a BA, would I still have my 20/20, I wonder.

  5. I never bother with eye makeup at all, I turn up barefaced to all appointments.

  6. Ha! I suspect optometrists would prefer no eye makeup at all. I think medical types see it as a vector for infection -- just more foreign material near your eye!

    1. Yes, can't even imagine their opinion of this latest craze for fake eyelashes, many of which look like a caterpillar gone rogue.


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