Saturday, May 20, 2023

Flowers and Fruit


Yesterday was a bit less frenetic.

My Guy has left me for his art. 


Some of My Guy's classmates

Or at least he’s driving back and forth to Manchester, CT for the next three days to attend a class on painting Dutch-master style. He’s not missing much here, where the forecast is for rain all day.

 I did manage to get some of flowers I bought yesterday into their planters before it descended. I’ll need to storm the garden center again tomorrow for more potting soil and a few more flowers for other pots.  


Knowing it was going to be wet today, I cut some of the rhubarb that the previous owner thoughtfully planted years ago. Good thing a cook moved in here next. It’s a shame to let it go to waste, and I do love a strawberry-rhubarb pie, which is ridiculously easy to make, unlike a labor intensive apple pie. A little chopping and slicing and there you are.



  1. Mmmm, rhubarb. Which is always known as thumb here after a brother's mishap in preparing it. It is too long since I have had thumb and custard.

    1. Love the name, but don't want to imagine the scenario that created it.

  2. A writer and a painter in one house.

    1. Yes, all his painting will hopefully shame me into a little writing self-discipline.

  3. We moved to my childhood home when I was 2 1/2 years old My father introduced himself to the next door neighbors and brought home a starter rhubarb which he planted at the end of our backyards. We ate off that plant right until the house was sold after 38 years.

    1. I'm grateful to the couple that lived here before us.

  4. I love rhubarb and apple crumble, with custard of course. And I once bought delicious raspberry&rhubarb jam at a Farmer's Market and have never seen it since. I tried growing my own rhubarb by dividing the stand in my daughter's yard but it just didn't survive and then hers died too. I should have left it alone and just harvested from it.

  5. We planted some rhubarb years ago. It died. :(

  6. My mom used to make a strawberry rhubarb pie, but I was not a fan, sadly.

  7. What a beautiful of edible art you have created. And kudos to hubby for expanding his own horizons.


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