Thursday, May 18, 2023


Read any of the Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency series and it’s easy to be convinced it was written by a native African woman, the voice is so authentic. In fact, the author is a man, professor emeritus of medical law at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Alexander McCall Smith. My favorite series of his has as its protagonist another woman, philosopher Isabel Dalhousie, and each book really is almost a course in philosophy itself.

          Not only does McCall Smith have an uncanny ability to write from a woman’s perspective, in addition to a beautiful turn of phrase, he creates fabulous characterizations.

          For someone like me, taking over a year to meander my way through writing book four, he’s mind-bogglingly prolific:




  1. That he is - and unlike some other prolific writers his books don't appear 'rushed'.

    1. Agreed. Each one I've read is as good as the last.

  2. Wow, that IS prolific. I'll have to check out this author.

  3. I haven't read any of his books yet and there are so many of them! I'll have to borrow from the library and hope they have them.

  4. Long time reader, first time commenter...You're right, very prolific and unlike some others who turn out books every year, it's all his work. I love his Isabel Dalhousie series, what a charmed life she lives. Try the Scotland Street series next, you'll just love little Bertie, one of the main characters.

    1. Welcome, Barbara! Good to hear from you. Thanks for the recommendation - I was thinking I'd check out (literally!) that series next.


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