Sunday, November 13, 2022

Zombies and Bears

 I’m hoping to get outside today if things dry up a bit.

Fall leaves in the spring are a real drag, so I’m hoping to do a spot of raking in my garden, nutty though that may seem in a condo that provides landscaping.


         And the time it is a’changin’.  On my walk yesterday at 3:30 I looked up to see our street lights already lit. In trying to fit in outdoor chores and dog walking, our daughter in NJ said that as soon as her remaining son (the other two have abandoned their family for college life) arrives home from school, she says to him, “Quick! Put down your backpack! We only have one hour!”

Some days she feels as though she’s living in Will Smith’s movie “I am Legend,” when he has to scurry back to his fortified apartment before dark falls and the zombies and beasties emerge.

Speaking of beasties, as I was setting out on that walk, my next-door neighbor waved me over to say, “I was just going to text you.” Apparently another neighbor a couple more doors down spotted a bear in the woods back of her condo. That should keep us all on our toes as we’re strolling through the complex. It’s been nudging 70 degrees the past few days, but I wish they’d get organized and hibernate.


And this sad sight on another doorstep says it’s either the heat or a signal that Halloween is done:


  1. Yes, you'd better keep an eye out for that bear! I smiled at the melting pumpkin.

  2. Clearly you need another Mamie to keep the bears away.

  3. The pumpkin lady may be attracting bears. A lot of animals love pumpkin.

  4. I hope the bear was just on his way to his hibernation spot and I hope the owner of that pumpkin gets it cleaned up before it starts to smell bad.

  5. What a relief to let someone else be responsible for the leaves and the bears.

    1. It is indeed. The volume of leaves at our last house was epic.

  6. We have now flipped the switch to colder weather, and it seems to continue in the two-week forecast. It’s early, and the heat isn’t set to jack up yet, so I am sitting under an e electric blanket.


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