Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Big Bang Land

     The show may be off the air, but in spite of the gray-haired woman who waited on me, Sheldon and Leonard are still around, as far as I can tell.

     I truly appreciate our town’s computer repair shop, truly I do. But I think I know now why it took four days to get my laptop back after a rudimentary updating of various things.

      I was trying to be subtle, muttering things about grandsons as I snapped some of the shelves, but I wasn't able to get a shot of the Incredibles lunch boxes or action figures across the room.


    And these were just in the first, entryway room. Heaven knows what else is squirreled away in the back.



  1. I've never watched that show but think maybe I've been missing out. It sure did take them long enough to get your work done, for whatever reason.

  2. I love that Lego tree!
    I loved The Big Bang Theory. Have you seen the spin-off Young Sheldon? it is into the fourth season now, taking us through Sheldon's early years.

    1. Hooked! And did you know that the actress who plays young Sheldon’s mom is in real life the daughter of Laurie Metcalf, who played Sheldon’s mother on Big Bang. The casting and writing are brilliant.

  3. Yes, I knew that. A perfect match.


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