Monday, October 19, 2020

Covid to the rescue

It’s now in the dictionary: FOMO, otherwise known as fear of missing out. Unless you were born popular and confident, we’ve probably all had that moment at some time. That New Year’s Eve at home, where you’re actually perfectly comfortable with your bowl of popcorn and rented movie, but still have this nagging feeling that you look a little pathetic.

 On major holidays there are articles about the poor souls spending it alone, and therapists offer advice in articles on coping. When you’re young, it often feels like there’s something wrong with you if you’re not gadding about in a clutch of friends or on a hot date every weekend. As an adult, do your neighbors often have a herd of people over, or do they recount the great dinner out they had with friends the other night while you were home caulking the tub?

          Problem solved! Anyone in today’s world with an active social life is suspect, and should even be avoided, considering the number of people they may have connected with. Plus, there’s the added bonus of feeling superior to anyone reckless – and let’s face it – clueless enough to be out there breathing someone else’s air.

          Missing Out is now the new cool. Introverts rejoice!



  1. This introvert HAS been rejoicing. While feeling for the extroverts and the pain they are enduring.

  2. my life isn't really much different than before. I wear a mask the few times I go out in public.

  3. Ha! You made me laugh with this one. I actually went to a breakfast gathering with four other people inside a restaurant (sparsely attended with well space tables), but it felt really a little risque. I am happy to remain inside with only my pal, also known as my hubby. :-)

  4. GREAT! I am appreciating the times i do not have to come up with excuses to not attend, go to, meet, have dinner with- OR feeling anxiety about having said "yes". Staying home is my thing, being social not so much. Silver lining!

  5. Hey, you're on my side. I'm an introvert. However things still seem to be wide open. Lots of people are out.

  6. It is a sad reality. Humans are social.

  7. I'm a natural-born loner, so I never had that feeling of missing out. I do feel sorry for all the people that naturally get around in large groups, or even small groups, but their time will come again.

  8. I used to have FOMO when I was younger, but I never feel that way anymore!


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