Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Glimpse of Home

     As we sit here watching the palm trees sway and trying to decide on shoes or sandals, or whether 59 is too cold to take the bike out, the camera in our garage window at home reminds us to not sweat the small stuff. 


  1. Yes you are in the best place for the season! I enjoyed my Florida trip, but it's balmy here in the Pacific Northwest compared to the East Coast right now. :-)

  2. Just at the moment, if home looked like that I would rush there. In a heart-beat.
    Glad you have options available.

  3. I hope looking at it made you appreciate not being in it.

  4. Err on the safe side and wear layers that can be removed if necessary. 59 is too cold for us Aussies to be wearing sandals although some do.

  5. Ugh! (And isn't it cool that we can check on our houses from afar these days? Modern technology!)


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