Sunday, March 8, 2015

Springing Forward

I’m not usually one of those people who grouse about this age of technology. You know, whenever there’s an error in the tickets they ordered, or a delay in their rental car, they harrumph about “those computers.”
          Not me – not this morning, anyway.
For umpteen years I’ve woken up on the morning of a daylight savings time change and strained to sort out the meaning of the whole “spring forward, fall back” thing. I came downstairs this morning and stared at the clock we hadn’t changed the night before. It said 7:30. So, I asked myself, is it now 6:30 or 8:30?
         Had you been in the kitchen with me, you’d have seen the light bulb over my head suddenly flash on. I’ll go check my phone! It will tell me the correct time! And so it did. Sad that it took me this long to solve this twice-yearly dilemma.
          We may now be approaching spring as far as our clocks go, but the sea of white outside the window still says otherwise. We’re coping, though, in my small town, cranking out lemonade with those lemons nature has sent us for the past two months. 
       On my way back from the Y, 9 Mile Pond was filled with ice fishermen whose area boasted chairs, and tables, and grills. It may reach a balmy 35 today; I hope the ice holds up under all their party equipment.

      The Rotary Club has found a productive use for all that white stuff cluttering up the town.

And our new security system not only required no installation, but was also free. 

       Anyone planning to sneak in through our back doors needs snowshoes and the fortitude to wade through four feet of snow that’s now the consistency of marble. 


  1. There's always a bright side...too bad this time it was blinding sun reflecting off snow lol.

  2. and here I am complaining about the constant overcast and rain. my cold is probably summer to you.

  3. Too much snow! I imagine that much is taken in stride after many previously horrendous winters. I admire your fortitude. I think I would have to fly, uh, crawl, southward.

  4. When I was a kid, my parents built a new house in the next neighborhood. One night before we moved in, a few guys tried to steal our refrigerator. Unfortunately, one of the guys had a broken leg and was on crutches. The neighbors saw him struggling behind his buddies, and called the cops. His buddies left without him! Cops came, arrested the guy on crutches, and later his buddies. Your last sentence reminded me of must have happened in 1973. The fridge was all scratched up...

  5. Proof yet again the much of our criminal element isn't al that bright. Reminds me of the time our old van was stolen from the repair shop and was later found (darn it), broken down on the highway. If you were going to steal a car, wouldn't you prefer one that didn't need repair?

  6. I don't wear a watch so I haven't changed my watch time for years. I like it that way. You do have major snow.

  7. Hmm. I hope it is all melted when we get home. Enjoy the daylight.

  8. Spring forward - fall back.
    The clues are right there!
    Forward = ahead, set your clock one hour ahead, so 6.30 becomes 7.30
    Back = behind, set your clock one hour behind, so 6.30 becomes 5.30
    it can't possibly be any simpler.

  9. I have been moaning about a lack of snow but then I have never had to deal with what you have this year.
    Hope it all melts slowly.
    I love the twice a year time changes though I do prefer DST. The changes shake me out of a rut.

    1. Yes, this year has been really unusual.
      And in spite of the minor adjustment of everything starting an hour earlier in the morning, it does serve as a reminder that the season is changing.

  10. Holy cow, it is still so wintry there! I can never remember the whole spring forward, fall back thing, either. After all, can't you spring back and fall forward? Either one seems just as likely to me.

    1. Thank you, Steve. I have been vindicated. :)

  11. Ha! I set my watch ahead one hour before I went to bed and all my others are radio controlled and we are now all in synch. That picture of your marble-covered back porch made me smile. :-)

  12. Can I just say that I detest this time change nonsense? ANd BRING ON SPRING! That is all. :)

  13. It takes weeks to work into the time change. Totally messes up my mind.


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