Sunday, September 1, 2024

Straddling the Seasons

 We have rain in the forecast, so I was up and out in the backyard fairly early for a Sunday.

There aren’t many signs yet of the impending autumn – 

the petunias in my hanging pot in front are pushing out a last gasp of blooms,


the morning glory is doing its damndest to find a way into the porch,

 and the pink turtle heads are out.

But much of the garden is looking ragged and I wanted to tidy it up, and more importantly, not discourage the landscape guys when it's time to blow away the fallen leaves.

And the hints are there:

The Mountain Laurel out back is already turning.

And with nuts plonking down like hail, it’s worth your life to stroll under our hickory
tree (although the squirrels are now in frantic ecstasy, hiding the nuts in the lawn).

I heard a familiar fall sound, and looked up. Sure enough, there were the geese beating me to warmer regions.

And I had other company, closer at hand.

Unconcerned, our four turkeys strolled past me, only about 10 feet away, but I imagine they’ll stop for some hickory nuts on their return trip later in the day.


  1. Definitely signs of fall everywhere. I even see a few maple trees with colors showing,

  2. The inevitable fall clean up. Nice of the squirrels to bury the nuts. Hulls, too?

    1. I think it's like when I went berry picking. You eat some, you save some.

  3. I love watching trees change colours, though that doesn't happen much where I live, there are a few along the footpaths. Right now I'm seeing spring blossom everywhere and the bright light green of new leaves appearing on branches.


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