Sunday, July 7, 2024

Home on the Farm


A quiet day here, catching up on laundry and completing riveting tasks like putting baking soda and vinegar down the drain to clean it up a bit.

          We started the day with eggs scrambled up with some basil from my mini-farm. I always put out a pot of basil, and a couple weeks later always rack my brains on what to do with it, since My Guy is a little lukewarm on the subject.


         I did harvest my $4 cucumber. The plant cost $15, and it looks like the grand total I’ll pluck from it will be 4. But we're enjoying the entertainment value of watching them seemingly appear overnight. 
      The tomato plant, also around $15, is still producing at least. Of course, when I bought them both a month ago, I cheated and bought the kind with tomatoes already on it. But I’ve given up on waiting all summer for something to appear only to have our Massachusetts fall arrive, leaving me with another year’s batch of green tomatoes.


  1. The tomato and the cucumber look mighty good.

    1. We had the cucumber with dinner tonight and it was great. It always seems like magic when you grow something that's actually edible.

  2. I gave up on planting anything edible a couple of years ago, the creepy crawlies always eating anything green as soon as it broke ground was very disheartening. There will come a time when I will try again, but not yet. Enjoy those few cucumbers and tomatoes. You could make your own pesto with the basil?

  3. We tried a tomato plant last summer. It was an epic fail. The bottom half would get ripe, the top half as this weird white color and hard. So, that was it for growing food for me. Glad you are having some success.

  4. I find cucumbers to be a very soothing food in summer heat.

  5. That's a good looking cuke. Tomatoes nice as well!


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