Saturday, July 27, 2024

Baby Buds and Ego Boost

 My Guy and I did our breakfast thing. Yes, it was a bit of a greasy spoon filled with locals, but I enjoyed an excellent omelet filled – and I mean filled – with every vegetable imaginable. Ever had eggs and summer squash?

          Then it was errand time, although I really only had two – both in the same place. I already had my bucket, gardening gloves, and clippers so off I went to our town library. That would be an unlikely destination for that equipment except for a new project of our Friends of the Library.


         Probably through a grant, or maybe funding by the Friends, a master gardener in town has planted a bevy of new things all around the library, front and back. Roses, hydrangeas, lilies. Problem is, she’s well over 90 years old, with a severely handicapped daughter. This is not a woman who should be expending the time or energy to care for this garden.

          That’s where a team of volunteers comes in, each assigned their own plants to oversee. My assignment is three fledgling butterfly bushes – aka buddleias – to check on and see if they need deadheading. They haven’t been doing much up until now, just squatting there, all 6 inches of them, staying determinedly green.

Then on Thursday I popped over and  there they were, fat with white blossoms, trying to catch up with their big purple neighbors.

Today while I was there, I also ran in my latest batch of books and checked out three more. There was someone at the self-check, so while waiting I drifted around a section I don’t usually frequent and low and behold!

My day is made.


  1. Yay! You're famous! We are rather lax about deadheading our buddleias. I'm not sure it has much effect except to make the plant look better. (And keep seeds from spreading.)

    1. Yup, I sure am. In this throbbing metropolis of 14,000 residents, and then only among the (I imagine, small) numbers of people who use the library. But I'll take it!

  2. That must have given you a HUGE boost.

    1. Indeed. I haven't seen my books on the shelves for a while, so I figured they'd tossed them!

  3. How cool is that? Your book on a featured display!

  4. Published and displayed! A double header.

  5. How lovely to see your own books on display. I have no chance of dead heading my daughter's white buddleia, that thing is twenty feet tall! The purple one was higher but died a few years ago. Do your buddleias grow taller or do they stay small?

    1. The one we had at our house before we moved was enormous. These are just toddlers, planted this year. I'm not sure what their future will hold.

  6. Well, isn't that just the bees knees? Congratulations on becoming so famous, friend.


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