Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Life in the Fast Lane

 Another morning of putting on my winter robe. Today should reach upper 70s, and I know I’ll be complaining next week when it hits the projected 90s, but this is June?

          My usual schedule is completely off. I’ve set aside golf, gardening, and pickleball for the week to let the dermatological divot in my neck heal, but it’s just as well. My days are still packed with lunch with the in-laws (something we need to do more often), visits with friends, book club, and the annual meeting of our condo association.

          Yesterday I dropped in on the Friends of the Library meeting. It was actually the board meeting, and while everyone was friendly enough, I did feel a little out of place. Still, I learned about future plans and signed up to help out in the gardens around the building. I’d like to get some volunteering in, in spite of the handicap of being away 4 months every year.

          Tomorrow I have Mahjong at the town senior center. I enjoy this group much more than the one in another town where I played last Thursday. That group of white-haired women in stretchy pants was friendly enough, but once play began they might as well have been wearing the old-time green eye shades that gamblers wore to hide their cold, hard eyes.

          Competition was fierce and they slapped those tiles on the table with the speed of light, while I sat sweating, trying to figure out what the hell hand I was playing. I learned later that one of the women at my table would sometimes play “Siamese” Mahjong. This entails playing two hands at once, which in my mind would qualify her as a member of Mensa. My brain was fried by the time I left.


  1. my mother played mahjong with her social group friends, that is until she became the accused 'other woman' and they ostracized her. she had a beautiful of ivory tiles and what all in a lacquered case. I think my brother has it.

    1. It's quite an exercise for the brain. Generally, games are pretty much silent because there's so much thinking going on.

  2. My partner's mother played mahjong for a while. She stopped because it was toooo competitive - and apparently got quite nasty.
    You do sound to have a v busy life at the moment.

  3. I've never learned anything much about the game. I didn't know it could be cutthroat like that!


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