Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sunshine and Slapstick


I woke up to fresh air today, the first night sleeping with the window open – it’s supposed to reach 90 degrees this afternoon. I’m off to buy geraniums and more this afternoon.

That upper platform eventually crashes down with actors on it

     This past weekend I gathered up my play-going friend Polly and off we went to
another production. Our venue is a small theater in a town across the river, where they produce plays in the fall through spring and then switch to music (Doo-Wop, Patsy Cline, Elvis, Jackson Browne tributes) and children’s theater for the summer months.


   Since I disappear for part of the year, we miss a few in the winter but this was worth the wait.

It truly was laugh-out-loud, the funniest play I’ve ever seen, and the company did a brilliant performance of somewhat amateur actors who haplessly soldier on despite one theatrical disaster after another, while employing every murder cliché in the book. As the playbill says:

“It’s opening night of the Comley University Drama Society’s newest production, the Murder at Haversham Manor. An exasperated detective, a corpse who can’t play dead, a chronically unconscious leading lady, and over-acted stock characters who struggle with props that won’t stay put, forgotten lines, and unreliable scenery.”

If ever you have an opportunity to see a production – go!


  1. That does sound like a heap of fun. And that kind of laughter is always welcome.

  2. I've heard this is a funny play, but I haven't seen it yet! I think it's still playing in London.

  3. Sounds like fun! I'm having trouble leaving comments. Hope this works.


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