Saturday, February 11, 2023

Muffins to Marketing

Someone posted a picture of one of these on Facebook recently, with a “Do you still have this?” query. Not only do I have one, I just used it this morning. We’re down to one egg, two slices of bread, and less than a cup of milk and I was hungry and decided to make a batch of muffins to fill the void.





          As you can see, by the rubber band I use to hold it together, and the inscription, you could say it’s been used for a while.

          As I was measuring things, I thought, what a brilliant marketing scheme.

          Not only am I reminded to always use Gold Medal Flour, the recipe even goes on to suggest that if I was ever pressed for time, I could also make use of the company’s handy mixes.

          I can see the meeting now in some smokey 1950’s General Mills meeting room full of men (what else?) with wide ties.

          “See – we invent this housewife called Betty Crocker and print a cookbook full of her recipes. We make money off the sale of the books, but we’ve got built-in advertising each time she opens it!”



  1. Haha! Love seeing this recipe book from 1970 and the sales pitch in the recipe! I don't have any muffin mixes handy, but I do have a sack of gold medal flour! 🙂👍

    1. Well, better get going and whip something up!
      Good to hear from you.

  2. I think I had one of those decades ago, but it was lost in one of my many moves. Plus, I try hard not to cook anything from scratch. My hubby is the cook these days.

  3. I don't remember that encouragement in my cookbooks from my m-i-l.

    1. That was actually from my g-i-l : My Guy's grandmother.
      But you can cancel the warm, fuzzy thoughts. I remember seeing her run her hand across the top of my kitchen door frame. I'm sure she found a healthy dose of dust.

  4. I would have scrambled that one egg, put it on the toasted two slices of bread and used the milk in my coffee, then gone shopping for groceries. Never in my life would I consider making muffins instead. I don't like them.
    Very clever marketing ploy in the cookbook pages though.

  5. Yes and mine is falling apart because it is well used. It was a wedding gift back in 1969;)


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