Friday, October 14, 2022

Bumpy Ride

We live on a sort of island, with our own bridge that spans wetlands.

          Our complex was built 20+ years ago, tucked into a tract of woods. We’re ringed with forest, seemingly impenetrable in our back yard, but on the other side of the complex only a line of trees separates those condos from a street with a few houses.  However, there’s only one road leading in from Main Street. In theory, there is locked gate that leads to that street with the houses, but it’s only for emergencies (tidal waves? Zombie attack? Bridge trolls?) and you’d have to drive across someone’s yard to get there.

          So. it’s kind of a big deal that we’ve had a restoration crew here for several weeks sprucing and strengthening the underside of our bridge. People must have been zooming over, likely sending who knows what down on the workmen below.

 Thus, we now have plywood over the metal grating, 3 speed bumps on this short distance, and traffic is down to one lane. 








We’re all getting a refresher course in courtesy.

          Meanwhile, it must be fall because the gang is back, out from
the woods and clucking away in our yard.



  1. That is a weird arrangement with the restoration crew. Hope things can return to normal for you guys soon.

  2. Even in my tiny township, they would have put up a temporary traffic light to control the traffic. No kidding.

    1. The traffic is minimal, since it's only people who live here or their visitors.

  3. I think it would be courteous to slow down over the bridge anyway, works or not. the "gang" looks bigger this year.

    1. Yes, the bridge is metal, and I'm grateful we don't live closer to it since you can hear each car as is goes over.

  4. Always glad when things are being maintained. Love, love, the turkeys. We so rarely see them here with the few foxes keeping them in check.

    1. I have actually seen a fox in our back area, but the turkeys must be winning!

  5. The gang! Hope this little road issue gets cleared up promptly.

  6. Nice post thank you Razz


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