Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Double the Fun

Life here is cooking along, each day with those small moments in the way life can be.

          My first book club meeting here in our complex – everyone seems older than me, but that’s either refreshing or more evidence of my skewed perception of myself (no surprise there). I’m just happy to be meeting new people.

          My self-doubt at water aerobics after asking the lifeguard to find a smaller, and more easily manipulated, water noodle for a very senior lady in our group. She hadn’t asked, but I’d seen on other occasions people bringing her one. She quietly gave back the larger noodle and used the smaller one, but was I being helpful or was I being bossy?

          Plants are popping up in our small gardens out back. Many of the condos have no plantings other than the standard ones that are maintained by the landscaping people, but the I suspect the previous owners had been gardeners. Fine with me – so far I’ve found bleeding heart, some hydrangeas, a patch of rhubarb, and a number of lilies. There are also a number of anonymous green things out there I have yet to identify.

          But there’s been one more event that I can’t resist mentioning, even though I usually have a policy of not dragging family members into this blog.

          If you’ve read for a while, you’ve seen occasional – very occasional – mention of the EGGs (so-called because of their initials), our three grandboys, ages 8, 13, 15.

          We now are re-entering the realm of babies, this time efficiently gaining grandkids two at a time. 

          Last week on the other side of the family, our two granddaughters were born, two perfect and beautiful (of course!) fraternal twins.

          We’ll be covering both ends of the grandparenting spectrum – a grandson learning to drive while granddaughters are learning to crawl.



  1. A full spectrum, and you'll be the grandparents who still can send them home at the end of the day.

  2. Wonderful news.
    And I suspect you were being helpful. Sometimes helpfulness starts with being a tad bossy.

  3. Congratulations! I love babies. And a soon-to-be driver also.
    Nice to see unexpected things popping up in gardens, as long as they aren't weeds.

  4. Congratulations on those two new additions to the family. If I were the noodle lady, I'd be pleased to realize that there are people noticing my efforts and trying to help. :-)

  5. Congratulations on the new relatives! I'll be curious to hear more about what grows in that garden. It's always interesting to see what other people plant.

    1. Yes, I'm curious to see what the people before us planted.

  6. Congratulations on the addition to the extended fold.

    Knowing when to help and not is a problem. In our falls prevention class, Sue and I are ahead of all of the others. Some have great difficulty. The instructor finally made it clear that we might help and for them to accept it, so we did a little more of that today.

  7. That is so sweet! Congratulations!

  8. I have twin grandsons. Definitely double the fun. Congratulations all!

    1. How very cool. Now I seem to be running into so many people with twins in their family.

  9. My niece had twin boys and they lived next door...double the fun! Congratulations to all!


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