Monday, July 17, 2017


As if putting every blessed thing we own into a box, and then cleaning every blessed space where those things sat isn’t enough fun, we’ve had visitors to the back yard today. 

          We have a septic system since our neighborhood can’t get town water or sewer services, sitting as it does on the base of the town’s small mountain. We truly love our well water, but our feelings about having a septic system have been pretty noncommittal. Those feelings took a major turn south today.

          We failed Title 5, the statute that regulates the installation, use, and sale of septic systems in our state. Here we thought we’d breeze right through it, what with just the two of us living here and then being away for the bulk of the winter, with not one flush since January 1st.

          The happy news: our tank is deteriorating and the pipes leading to the leach field are crumbling. As it was, we thought we might make a tiny profit off of the sale of this house – maybe enough for a good dinner out, or maybe new flip flops for the beach.

          Now we’ll be entertaining large men and their larger machines as they excavate the yard along with whatever cash we’d hoped to spend on something frivolous like food.


  1. Oh, BOO! To have to spend money on shit is not my idea of a good time, either. :-)

  2. All my sympathy, Marty. I was terrified we would have to install an entire new plant, but we got off with just a few thousand in upgrades.

  3. Well that's a shame and a disturbed garden won't appeal to some finicky buyers, but a properly working system is better for new owners and perhaps you can bump a few dollars onto the sale price to cover that cost.

  4. bummer. back in the summer of 2013 when we still had the city house and our son and daughter in law were still living there and we were still going in 4 days a week to work in the shop, the toilets backed up and nasty stuff came out of the little access port in the backyard. the city house was old, the first house built in that area back in the late 1800s and while we had city water and sewer, the pipes from the house to the street were old old old clay pipe that finally collapsed in several places. We had to replace the line from the house to the street for the tune of $7000 and then the next summer we sold the house so that year cost us $20 a day to be able to flush the toilet.

  5. Mercy. That would really give you pause for thought as you headed to the bathroom.

  6. Yes those codes are always changing! We are all up to date with the work we had done last spring. Crap indeed! :)

  7. Oh no! Septic systems are such a drag. We had one in Florida, in the house where I grew up, and we had to treat it with kid gloves. Fortunately for us (but not for the environment) septic systems were loosely regulated in Florida back then!

  8. Well that's a shame and a disturbed garden won't appeal to some finicky buyers, but a properly working system is better for new owners and perhaps you can bump a few dollars onto the sale price to cover that cost.



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