Saturday, November 30, 2024


 Not that we’ve stopped being thankful now that the holiday is over. We’re still appreciating the good things we enjoyed during our visit to daughter and family.

          Good food – an amalgam of homemade and bought. She and husband were geniuses this year and ordered the majority from Whole Foods, a fully cooked turkey and fixings. I thought the stuffing was much better than mine, although one loyal grandson surprised me by saying he liked mine better. My Guy and I must be out of training; we spent our evening with groaning guts, asking ourselves ‘why did we eat so much?’

          Good company – All three grandsons were in attendance, not an easy achievement with two in their twenties, and the youngest grandson was gratified by the oldest’s shock at how tall he’d grown. We were also happy with extended conversations with SIL’s aunt and uncle, two of our favorite people. We are a fortunate family indeed – a day of no hassles or awkward relatives.

          Good driving – we drove to New Jersey and back with no traffic issues, a miracle in its own right. There was one small slowdown and we settled in, thinking, ‘Okay, here it begins.’ But it was just a loooong gummed-up lane of shoppers heading to a distant outlet center. It was impossible to think that once there, they’d find enough parking.

          And one fun thing: New York appears to be on a massive renovation campaign of their rest stops. 


At one, I came out of my stall to wash my hands and at the sink instead of water I got hot air. ???????????????? Then I looked more closely and discovered I had my own private hand air dryer. 

          Golly! Like rocket science!!       


  1. I am glad that you had such a good time. Too many families have uncharted minefields to negotiate.
    I do like those air dryers too.

    1. I remember years-ago hugely un-hygienic fabric towels on a continuous roller. I always hoped I wasn't drying my hands on the spot of someone just before me.

  2. Well this was all good news wasn't it--glad to read it Marty, and I had a real smile at those pics of the nice rest-stop!

  3. Glad the holiday went well! We have hand-dryers like that at work. I'm actually not a fan. I think they're too loud. (I go across the hall to the staff lounge for some paper towels.)

  4. Wow, that IS a nice rest stop. Congrats for having such a wonderful holiday!

  5. Nice you had a great time. I did too. And definitely ate a lot.
    The worst hand dryers are the ones that pump out cold air. Hate it.
    Liam 👍


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