Saturday, September 21, 2024

Truly Random Offerings


Our local turkeys on their way to an important meeting.

The other day two of these four were in the backyard, munching away on fallen hickory nuts, oblivious and uncaring about the drama unfolding in their midst. The other two of the four were spinning circles around the yard, re-enacting that old scene where the boss chases the secretary around the desk. 

One was chasing the other in what I guess was hot turkey love and the chasee was having none of it. Around and around they went, finally disappearing into the woods. We’ll see if there’s a parade of tiny turkeys in the months to come.

Why is it impossible to buy a pound of hamburger anymore? All the packages in my grocery store are wrapped up in units of 1.25 or 1.27 pounds. So I buy more than I want, and either cook too much or divide and freeze the extra. And I gave up on getting the amount I ask for at the fish counter. Inevitably, if I ask for a pound of cod, it’s always over, never under.

And finally, this wins the genius award of the year in my opinion.

 Where was this during Covid?

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen Wave to Flush. And would like to. And a big yes on package sizes getting larger and larger.


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