Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Future Gardens


As we teeter back and forth these days from the Slough of Despond to tenuous hope, it might be heartening to contemplate the gardens I see on my walk.

          These are gardens planted optimistically, almost in spite of the future.

 Ours is a condo complex that although not an ‘over 55’ community, is pretty much all residents well over that age. Most of us are here because we’ve decided to say goodbye to homes with two floors and stairs, and yards that need upkeep. 


 The grass, bush trimming, and heavy lifting is done by a landscape crew, freeing us from the tyranny of yardwork.


   Many of us have opted for this.


But quite a few of us, against all logic, never put away our garden gloves and hose reels, making my morning strolls a delight.


  1. The time will come when I have to give up gardening (and that time is looming). I will still enjoy other people's work.

  2. That last one is particularly pretty. I have a minimum care garden of mostly succulents.

  3. I don't think I'd be able to survive without planting something!


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