Sunday, June 23, 2024



Today we stayed home and putzed around the house, perhaps waiting for the next weather excitement.


Gotta say many of us in town might be a tad edgy since we had a humdinger of a tornado tear through here in 2011.

            But it’s not been dull in our backyard.


First off, one of the local rabbits has claimed a quiet corner in my garden to stretch


         Then, right on schedule, the three amigos – occasionally four – have done their morning march across the backyard, returning and marching back the other way as they always do later in the afternoon.


And our hummingbirds are glorying in not only their feeder, but the the new-found wealth of the
now-blooming bee balm.

          It occurred to me today that as species go, the birds that visit me couldn’t be more extreme examples, going from one of the largest to the smallest.

A hummingbird, is usually only about 2- 4 inches long, weighing less than a handful of pennies, while male wild turkeys can reach 25 pounds.

This reminded me of one of my favorite scenes of all time from a favorite television show, West Wing, which was chock-full of wonderful moments.

 It was one of the many hallway scenes, this one with Allison Janney and Kristin Chenowith.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Maximal Mix-up

 (A Crabby-pants Thursday with a happy ending. . . For some)

After years of owning our cars – for almost twenty years in one case – we now lease. I like the security of knowing I’m driving a relatively new car that’s probably going to give me few surprises.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Golf and Gherkins


On Monday, I met a friend to play golf on a course I’ve played before – over half an hour away but worth it since they at least had tee times in the morning.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Celebration and Woe

 We’re off today to New Jersey, land of my birth (although I only lived there for about a year before my family moved to Virginia) and meeting place of My Guy and me at college.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The snack conundrum

 (A non-crabby pants Thursday post)

My return to my local book club yesterday was very pleasant.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Life in the Fast Lane

 Another morning of putting on my winter robe. Today should reach upper 70s, and I know I’ll be complaining next week when it hits the projected 90s, but this is June?

Saturday, June 8, 2024

SPF Alert


There we sat – the sleepy, the marred, the (mostly) old – in the waiting room.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Customer Appreciation

 (Crabby-pants Thursday)

A friend of mine texted me this week, asking if I’d been at our neighborhood grocery store the day before. I had, in fact, and said so. She said she’d seen me at the end of the soda aisle, and I’d looked right at her, turned away, and left.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Our own stamp

 In 2017 we left our house and moved across town to condo-land and haven’t once regretted it.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Book Bonanza

 After this morning’s Boomer exercise class at the Y, I watered everybody in the garden and then showered up to run errands.

          I needed to visit the library because I’m completely out of books, which for me is kind of like a smoker after his last pack. I’ve even finished the required book club book; I expected it would be sad and tough going, but it turned out to be a good read.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 The past few days I’ve solved a few household annoyances. I’d pat myself on the back were it not for the fact that this is the second time I’ve “solved” them.