Sunday, June 2, 2024


 The past few days I’ve solved a few household annoyances. I’d pat myself on the back were it not for the fact that this is the second time I’ve “solved” them.

          The first was the garage door overhead light. The overhead box containing the mechanics that raise and lower the door did that just fine, except the light in it decided to stop working. So last fall I climbed on my trusty ladder, figured out how to open the box, and replaced the light bulb. Which worked for a grand total of a couple of months.

          This wouldn’t be a big deal except it means that if I come home in the dark, I’ll have to feel my way out of the garage once my headlights go out.

 Deciding that at this point in my life I’m DONE with climbing the ladder for a job I don’t want to do in the first place, I called the overhead door guys.

          Out he came and probably musing about lazy homeowners, he replaced it and also kindly lubricated the door. I tried my best to look old and feeble to justify my spendthrift ways.

          I’d also noticed the former closet that now holds our washer/dryer area had been getting pretty toasty and I thought I saw lint drifting around as well.

          This was another "fix" I’d done last year.  I’d figured out that the hose from the dryer to the wall was loose. So being the independent, Miz Fix-It kinda gal I am, I had My Guy help me pull out the dryer as far as we could (not far). I then climbed over the washer into the 1 ½ foot space and achieved some new yoga position to reach below and tape it back together.

          Not doing THAT again, either. So, out came another set of workmen, and yep, it was loose again. It was kind of satisfying to see this slim, limber guy who was possibly 50 years my junior find the process challenging, too. But after two tries and a change of ducting, it’s back together. (As he explained it, the problem is the complete lack of space behind the dryer once it’s pushed back.)

          I hope these fixes last this time.

          Now I’m waiting for a call-back from a landscaping company to pull out these massive hollies that I’ve heroically been buzzing with the hedge trimmer and cleaning up after twice a year. You guessed it. I’m DONE.


  1. Overhead garage lights were the bane of my existence, too. And dryer vents. I solved them the very same way you did.

    1. Yes, I'm getting proficient in dialing the phone.

  2. I've never heard of overhead garage lights, they seem like a good idea when they work properly. Most people I know leave the door open for light and close it after they exit the garage.
    What will you plant in place of the hollies?

    1. I think I'll put in azaleas. There are already some rose bushes farther down in the bed.

  3. Glad to hear you are done climbing those ladders. Very dangerous for anybody, but especially frail little old ladies. :-)

    1. Oh I still climb ladders, but now just for things I want to do, like getting something off a top shelf in my closet! :0)

  4. reminds me of the time I had to wiggle over the HVAC system in the low attic to see why water was dripping from my dining room ceiling. good thing I do yoga was my comment at the time.


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