Monday, June 24, 2024

Medical Breakthrough??


I know how lucky I am.


 My primary care doctor is only about 15 minutes away.

 He’s part of a small 3-person practice, not some faceless conglomerate.

 And he’s roughly the age of my kids, which means he’s here for the long haul.

          It’s a nice practice, situated near a heavily-Portuguese community, so when you call the office, the recording is in both English and Portuguese.


  (Amazingly, I spotted an actual magazine at the office for the first time in four years,
although it was in Spanish.)


        Today was just a quick check-up, blood pressure, weight, and bloodwork. All boringly normal. Oh, and the good news that – whoopie! – it’s time for another colonoscopy.

          The process at the bloodwork lab next door, though, was somewhat wacky. I think
they’re under new management, so instead of giving my ID and medical cards to the lady at the desk for her to copy, I had to deal with a stupid kiosk thing.

          It’s apparently now my job to record these, so, like a Monty Python skit, I had to insert each card, pushing a variety of buttons each time, while the lady behind the glass stopped everything she was doing and hung over her counter, guiding me through the process. What probably could have taken a minute and a half, instead still required her participation and probably triple the time.


  1. And I notice it is an Express Check-in. Sigh.

    1. Yes. So speedy. Like those self-check registers where they still need someone to come over and help the customer.

  2. When it comes to our medical issues, boring is great!

  3. the lab here where I get my blood drawn has that kiosk thing but unlike yours, there is no lady behind the glass.

    1. I was actually doing fine, but she was determined to help me.

  4. But everything is better when it's automated! LOL!

  5. This is eerie. I went for a mammo yesterday, and there was a Spanish People in the waiting area. Our blood lab has that same check-in kiosk. Are you me in a parallel universe?

    1. Okay, that's just weird. (I just booked my yearly mammo)
      Let's hope one of us buys a winning lottery ticket.


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