Friday, June 14, 2024

Celebration and Woe

 We’re off today to New Jersey, land of my birth (although I only lived there for about a year before my family moved to Virginia) and meeting place of My Guy and me at college.

          Our daughter’s lived there in northwestern NJ for gosh, like 20 years now, and it’s her birthday this weekend. It’ll be a good to get in some grandson time - with some home from college and another out of high school for the summer. It’ll likely be a couple days of lounging and chatting.

There in the hills, they pretty much have the same weather we have up in Massachusetts, but I’m hoping we’ll dodge the heat wave heading to the East Coast, and come Monday be safely home, tucked in our air-conditioned cave.

There could be a new wrinkle on the weekend, though. My Guy got The Call yesterday from his doctor. Yes, time to cut back on carbs. Nothing dire, but it’s still a 4-alarm, flashing lights wake-up for my doughnut-imbibing, breakfast-sandwich-loving, King of the Cookie Jar.


  1. Have fun while away - and good luck on those dietary changes. Not easy for a carb lovers.

  2. Oh, dear. Your guy won't be happy for some time.

  3. Oh dear. I'm supposed to be cutting back on carbs too, and sugars. It's not going well. Good luck.

  4. Sigh. It's so hard to change one's dietary habits, isn't it?

  5. Well, cutting back doesn't mean cutting OUT, right? There will still be plenty of carbs in your guy's future. :)

    When I was in Marylebone Thursday a London taxi passed me with a big tourism ad for New Jersey on the side. I was like, "Really?!" But it moved too fast for me to get a picture.


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