Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Our own stamp

 In 2017 we left our house and moved across town to condo-land and haven’t once regretted it.

Well, except for the smaller space, curtailing big family gatherings at our place, but that’s okay because it also means less time in the kitchen for me. Plus, as the families have grown, they have their own gatherings and traditions to organize.

          This means we’ve been here seven years, and it seems both new and also as though we’ve been here forever, if that makes any sense. Many of the people here have known each other for decades, not only from living in this complex but also because like us, they’d also lived in town and then downsized to here. The previous owners of our place were well-liked, as far as I can tell, and well-known, the husband having been a local businessman and even a state rep at one point.

          We’ve settled in, though, and feel a lot less like the new kids on the block, and we’ve made the place our own. You can especially see this through the photos My Guy found on line from the realtor when the house was on the market last.

          In these before-and-after shots, you can see that our tastes vary just a tad.


The front looks pretty much the same.

Inside is a different story.



We turned what once was a dining room

                into a den.

          The two living rooms have their own personalities, too – 

          But while we did replace the screens for windows, their choice in porch chairs was oddly very much like ours.


  1. I love your version in every case! That dining room/den is especially lovely now.

  2. You have indeed made it your own. Which is lovely.

  3. "Love what you've done with the place".
    I often think about moving to condo-land. Likely to happen if we outlive our pets.

    1. Not to complicate your life, but a lot of places allow pets. Several people here have two dogs.

  4. Your den is much brighter than that dining room! I'd say you've made improvements on all fronts.

    1. Yes, that room was almost creepily womb-like before we painted it.

  5. It does look so much nicer and brighter now, it's lovely. That much space would be upsizing for me!

  6. Looks great, and very welcoming.


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