Friday, August 30, 2024

Vermont Idyll


We’re home after three blissful days up the road.

          We loved this place years ago, and if anything, love it even more now. It’s remarkable that you can travel a bit over two hours and feel like you’ve been to another land. 

           In this case, a land of fancy cars, outlets (an eclectic mix of Armani and Eddie Bauer), quaint inns, and a fly-fishing school.


     I can only imagine how busy it must be when there’s snow, with Mt. Stratton and one end and Bromley at the other.

                                                                          We ate, we shopped, ate some more, 

saw the world premiere of True Art in Dorset’s small theater,

 stopped by the oldest marble quarry in the U.S.,

(which I guess explains why many of the sidewalks in town are marble)

 followed by

G & T’s on the lawn (Vermont Gin? Who knew?). 


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Vermont perfection and a small rant

(Unfortunately I’m unable to figure out how to post any on my iPad of the pictures I can’t seem to stop taking

    We’re here in Manchester, VT for two days.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Rainbows and Cemetery Plots


Apologies for being so long away. There’s absolutely no reason for it. I haven’t even been doing anything especially interesting. Or I guess that's the reason.

          Anyway, keeping with the dullness theme, my morning so far has consisted of reading (a book by the fabulous Elly Griffiths than I can’t put down) , walking, and picking up Saturday’s mail. Woo hoo.

          I skipped my usual Monday Boomers’ exercise class – which I actually enjoy quite a bit – for, again, no particular reason, and instead did a walk through the complex where I was treated to a rainbow.


   I find it too mind-numbing to do the same walk two times around and so took a short cut, only traveling about a mile and a half. Still, a respectable distance – certainly not deserving of the mail I picked up:

A flyer inviting My Guy and me to a scintillating evening touring an assisted living facility and secondly (covering all possibilities) a pre-planning offer from the funeral home in town.