Friday, August 30, 2024

Vermont Idyll


We’re home after three blissful days up the road.

          We loved this place years ago, and if anything, love it even more now. It’s remarkable that you can travel a bit over two hours and feel like you’ve been to another land. 

           In this case, a land of fancy cars, outlets (an eclectic mix of Armani and Eddie Bauer), quaint inns, and a fly-fishing school.


     I can only imagine how busy it must be when there’s snow, with Mt. Stratton and one end and Bromley at the other.

                                                                          We ate, we shopped, ate some more, 

saw the world premiere of True Art in Dorset’s small theater,

 stopped by the oldest marble quarry in the U.S.,

(which I guess explains why many of the sidewalks in town are marble)

 followed by

G & T’s on the lawn (Vermont Gin? Who knew?). 



  1. A fly-fishing school? I always imagined that was taught by old grand dads to their grandsons. The old marble quarry looks like a good place to be on a hot day.

  2. Sounds like it was a great time!

  3. Sounds like a great trip! I could definitely go for a Vermont G&T. (I can go for ANY G&T.) I never went to Vermont when I lived in New York. I've been to every state in New England except that one.

    1. Manchester is full of LLBean-wearing-well-to-do's in Audi SUVs eating trendy meals, making you believe that it's (what we used to call) yuppie heaven. As we drove out of town, though, there were plenty of precariously tilted faded frame house and hardscrabble yards. A mixed bag.


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