Wednesday, November 27, 2024

It's Coming


Probably breaking one of the condo rules here, I’ve just snuck to the woods where I’ve unloaded – to the likely ecstasy of woodland creatures – all the peelings from the apple pie.

Today is pie day, not to be confused with Pi day on March 14, when math lovers celebrate that magical number. I’ve cranked out two, a pecan and an apple, to bring to my sweet daughter’s tomorrow. This hardly counts as work – I’m not even making my own crust as I used to do. An apple pie is fairly labor-intensive, all that peeling and slicing, but you could have a lobotomy and still turn out a tasty pecan pie.

          This is nothing compared to my Thanksgiving days of old. For most of my married life, I was the destination for the holiday, and of course the numbers grew as the family did, my kids and their kids, in-laws, and in-law kids, not to mention the portion that came and stayed with us for several days.

And all this while I was working full-time. In years past, by now the table would be set, beds readied, house kinda clean, and pies waiting on the cold porch. Then today (after the half-day of teaching) the rubber would really hit the road. No wonder I had to suppress a giggle the other day in the grocery store at all the people frantically loading their carts with squash and poring over shopping lists.


  1. I'll take pecan or apple pies over pumpkin anyday! Sounds delicious Marty, enjoyed reading about how your holidays have changed as well. Love that photo too, hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. :^)

  2. I am going even further down the hole. Marie Callendar makes a Dutch apple pie better than I have ever made from scratch. Kroger had them for $5.29 and I peeled nary an apple. Other kinds of pie are a pleasure to make but I will probably never make another apple or cherry crunch pie from scratch.

    1. And Costco sells an excellent pumpkin pie that costs less than the ingredients.

  3. One looks back and wonders how we did all those things. It must have something to do with age. Happy thanksgiving.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. It is years since I have made an apple pie and I have never had (or made) either pecan or pumpkin pies. Given my love of pumpkin I should probably do something about the latter omission.

    1. I used to teach with a woman who made herself a pumpkin pie every week to have for breakfast.

  5. I can remember years of being so tired when it was time to eat I had lost my appetite. MS Nell


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