Thursday, November 21, 2024



So here we all go, careening down the slippery slide into the holidays which pick up speed until we crash exhausted into New Year’s Eve.

Probably explaining why that day is most famous for over-imbibing.

And I think I’ve gained a better understanding of a neighbor down the street at our first house. On Christmas, the green wreath would go up on their front door, where it would sit until St. Patrick’s Day when a big green shamrock would be added. In April, a pink cardboard egg or a white bunny would be the next layer for Easter, and then I’m pretty sure come July an American flag would top that.

All those holidays begin to smoosh together after a while.

But when I re-positioned the pumpkin on the front porch after I had to toss the mums that had kept it company, it occurred to me that Halloween and Thanksgiving are more efficient holidays. They’re both mostly orange after all.

Pack away a bat or those witches and your decorating can sail along right into the next holiday.


  1. We don't have Halloween or Thanksgiving. And I rarely decorate for Christmas. Which when I see the effort that people on your side of the pond put into it, shames me.

  2. We don't do much other than acknowledge the days as they come. We are past all that, with no kids to worry about, and most of our relatives far far away.

  3. I've never been big on decorating for any reason. My kids were always in charge. Now I'm back to my taste--no fuss, no muss.

    1. I’m with you. It’s My Guy who reminds me we have to buy pumpkins and who always wants to get the decorations out.

  4. Marty, you gave me a real chuckle here but if you could see the doors in my apartment building... on my left they have yet to take down the ghost and string of bats--on my right is a glittering Christmas wreath and giant ornaments. If I had something orangey to hang on my door to bridge the gap I would :^)

  5. Yes, there is some crossover between Halloween and Thanksgiving! Or you could do like us and not decorate at all. I don't even put up a multi-holiday green wreath (though I kind of like that idea).

  6. Hello Marty
    Thank you for linking my blog. I thought I'd come and say hi. 😊
    I like halloween and xmas and put somehting on the windows.


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