Sunday, October 6, 2024



(Remember that show -  That Was the Week That Was?)

Sorry – I’ve been lazy about posting so here’s a quick review of the week that I’ll just dump  in your lap.


Monday we headed off to my teacher’s credit union to continue the process of putting our goods and chattels into a trust so the kids won’t have to slog through probate. We’d already been to our main bank, Bank of America, where we’ve had an account since My Guy was in the Army in 1971.

At BOA the banker’s office was almost antiseptic, not a tchotchke in sight, as streamlined as their process, where we just converted the name of the account. It took a while for them to sort all the paperwork but even though the rep looked to be early 30s, you could tell he’d been down this road before.  

       Not so much at the credit union, where the manager (!) declared I’d have to open a new account. Not to be judgy, but she never introduced herself and her office was a minefield of cutesy plaques, candles and even what looked to be the decoration from a past wedding cake.  
      Veterans of the this now, we said NOPE, no new account. Things weren’t speeded either by the fact that she was training someone as she worked through our case. But it was all sorted eventually.

     Tuesday was golf with friends, way
more delightful than Thursday’s golf, the end-of-the-year outing for our league. On this occasion we played a ‘scramble’, in which everyone tees off and hits, but the foursome always hits the best ball down the fairway.

 I’d been assigned to a group of three other women whose handicaps were literally half of mine (i.e. far superior players) so outside of the one or two times we played my ball, it was mostly a long lesson in humility for me. This wasn’t helped by the fact that one of the women doesn’t like me for some reason. (Mystifying, since I’m a delight. Just ask me.)  I still can’t see any point in my having been there. Note to self – skip the whole thing next year.

Wednesday – our complex’s Ladies Lunch out. A small group this time, only about 10 of us, but very pleasant. Particularly since a woman who with her husband has had a lawsuit going against our complex – costing us thousands in legal fees – was NOT there. If I haven’t already, maybe I’ll put together a post about them. They want to install solar panels on their roof, against all by-laws and already voted down by a majority of the residents. Charming people.

Friday saw us at the investment place that handles My Guy’s IRA, where, you guessed it, we did more trust organizing. Good thing. Even though I’m a beneficiary, if he were incapacitated for any reason, I wouldn’t have been able to give them direction. So now that’s sorted.

         Today was more hard labor for me. On Saturday I’d brought My Guy with me to
Home Depot after I finally admitted that no, I can’t lift four 50 pound bags of marble stones for the garden. We loaded up the car, then carted the bags around the back of the house on a hand truck, and today I laid them around the air conditioner to discourage weeds and small beings that I suspect are tunneling back there.

Now for a tall glass of wine.  

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