My Guy and I have just returned from eating out and are now collapsed in matching states of repletion – i.e. we’re stuffed. We were out for linner, named by a clever friend who also enjoys this idea. You move lunch forward and pull dinner back to meet in the middle, creating a mealtime at 3 in the afternoon.
This works especially well in Florida, where the national
pastime is eating out, and thus causing a 6 pm besieging of all restaurants. It
also means that if I can avoid snacking tonight, I’ve eliminated a meal. Okay,
fine. I did bring back a piece of chocolate cake, I admit it.
But I began the day with a brief stab at some yoga - my knees
were not happy –followed by a big walk after breakfast. I felt especially virtuous since my breakfast
was plain yogurt (okay, I did add honey), granola, and banana. Hopefully this
will cancel out yesterday’s of chocolate-covered almonds, which went remarkably
well with my morning tea. Protein and dark chocolate. Hard to improve on that.
I like the idea of linner, and I think I do that almost automatically, to keep from eating too late in the evening. I would have had that chocolate cake, too.