Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Fun and Beauty


Little news from here other than what was probably my first and last venture onto the new town pickleball courts this morning, since today it will get up to 80 degrees and then go plunging downward until probably spring.

 After much delay, lots of discussions, and I suspect a number of poo-pooers, our town finally built new outdoor courts at a long-closed elementary school. I have played inside in the gym, but there’s only room for two courts and playing indoors can be annoying, constantly fetching and dodging balls from the second court. Now we have eight (!) courts with fencing barriers between.

It was glorious, with the woods filled with gold and red and the temperature not yet up to 70 degrees. I even managed to hold my own against the other team, who I’d just met that day. My own partner, Bill, was also new to me and he was pretty good but lobbed quite a few off the court or into the net, possibly intimidated by one of our opponents. Opposite us were Jenna, who seemed a little rusty, and Trevor, a 50ish 6 foot 3 guy with arms that could encircle the earth and a serve that could cut through a plate glass window. The score looked like a foregone conclusion but Bill and I made them work for it, ending at 11 to 13. (Usually a pickleball score ends at 11, but you have to win by 2)

And here’s the tree in my backyard, a hickory I think, always one of the loves of my life at this time of year. The leaves are so bright that I swear they reflect the light into our house.

It even creates a still life to enjoy as you enter our house.

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