Saturday, October 24, 2020

Malevolence Afoot

After initially digging in my heels and clinging to Old Blogger for as long as possible, I finally bowed to the inevitable and have been resolutely plodding on with this new stupid one.


          Adding photographs is clunky. Enlarging requires an awkward puulllling action on one corner – time consuming and never quite right. (Okay, whoops. I just found the small, medium, large function.) Also, putting photos side by side is now an impossibility.

          It now drops in unwanted and unnecessary spaces between paragraphs. (This page is a shining example.)

          The response time between actions has slowed, perhaps due to the shiny new “improvements.”

          The stats section provides much less information; it used to be a kick to see that someone on the other side of the world is reading my natterings. Now I don’t know where my readers are.

          Today, though, was another kind of annoying. The Blogmasters wouldn’t let me in. Oh sure, I could look at it, but they were ordering me to sign in for more. Better yet, my password didn’t work. After requesting and receiving an access code, I changed the password and then looked at the security report. It said someone had supposedly tried to access my blog by way of a phone last night. It defies credibility that anyone would be interested enough to use nefarious means for my humble little spot.

          I keep visualizing some spiral-eyed blog puppetmeister out there in the ether and I’m ready to believe any Blogspot conspiracy theories anyone has on offer.  



  1. I hear you! It's been a struggle, but I just don't try to do anything different and it seems to be fine. Those spaces bothered me at first, but now I kind of like them. :-)

  2. Well, after watching that movie about social media last night, I'm ready to believe in the malevolent puppet-master! Here's a tip about New Blogger: If you hold down the shift key as you hit return, you get single spaces. Glad you figured out the photo sizing too. And I agree about the stats! It's so weird that they took away all that detailed information. (You can bet they're still collecting it.) I don't like New Blogger as much as the old, but hey, we gotta roll with the changes, I guess.

  3. new improved , WHY??? it is so not! But , like Steve said "roll with it." I went cold turkey on social media, I must say i do not miss it is the least and my sanity , though fragile, has improved. All I need now is a Mamie pooch.

    1. Hold off till spring. Walkies in the middle of winter lose their charm.

  4. I agree with you about New Blogger. And continue to tell them so. Mind you I doubt they read the 'feedback' they requested.
    I miss the stats as they were, and loathe the extra keystrokes it takes to do almost anything. Intuitive it is not.

  5. I fought it too. Along with the meager stats, my main gripe is that my Reading Lists suffers an occasional shuffle. Posts I have read before are suddenly appearing as new posts and are jumping over the to be reads. If I miss commenting on a post, that is my excuse.

    1. I have this problem too. It is very annoying.

  6. Photos pretty well work as they always did. Insert. Highlight. Choose the dropdown menu below to choose the size of the photo. I think we have more choices than we used to have.

    I never bothered with stats, so whatever has happened doesn't bother me.

    I do miss not being able to insert html codes such a for an em dash of the degree sign and so on.

    And the html code page is one big mashed up mess.

  7. I wish we knew why they had to do it.

  8. I've always dropped my photos in between paragraphs so that isn't a problem for me. I used to be able to select a dozen or so photos, then load them one at a time, now when I have finished selecting, blogger loads them all at once and I then have to make space between for the dialogue, but I've got the hang of that now too. I never look at my stats.

  9. you have my sympathy. I can no longer post anything that requires optional linebreaks, as in, lists, or poems. What you put in the hopper comes out as blocks of text. I have no trouble with photos, but it's the overdone-ness of it all.
    As i said elsewhere, it feels like Blogger is trying to be like the big boys, but the clothes don't fit and the shoes are all wrong.

    Not everyone wants to play at WordPress, which can be intimidating, and I think many of us just want to post and be done with it. If you want to scare yourself, check out how deeply you can get into your own site now...all the way to coding text and programming! no, just no.

    I think they felt they were being left behind and wanted to inject some sophisticated processes into it all. In the process, they are bleeding posters, I suspect, because if we wanted sophisticated stuff we'd be somewhere else. I liked it here. Now Im not so sure.


Thanks for stopping by and I'd love to hear what you think.