Friday, December 24, 2021

Turkeys and Tests


We woke up this morning to snow dusting the ground and decorating the long pine branches in the woods. I pulled the shades up and climbed back in bed in time to watch seventeen turkeys peck and cluck their way across the backyard, their feathers so much darker against the new white snow.

          We still see shadows of Mamie on the couch or tucked into her bed, but the sadness is fading. My Guy stopped by the groomer’s to pick up her collar and leash, and learned a bit more. She had been waiting her turn in a kennel, standing right near the owner of the shop. The woman turned, and when she turned back Mamie had collapsed. So at least it was mercifully quick and not a long, drawn-out decline.

          At least I’ve had a new project to distract me.

          I should write a new version of The Twelve Days of Christmas. It would go something like:

          1 Stop and Shop

3 Walgreens

4 Big Y Supermarkets

          5 CVSs

          And 6 gallons fewer of gas in the tank, tra la.  

          Our daughter in N.J. and I in Massachusetts have been on a Rapid Test quest so that we can all gather for Christmas. We’re all vaccinated, and somewhat boosted (the teens haven’t been), but our 3 year-old twins are of course vulnerable.

          I managed to snag one test each for My Guy and me, and our son and his wife in Rhode Island have a stockpile (since the girls’ preschool won’t let anyone in with a tissue in their hand, never mind a runny nose), but our daughter had 5 family members and only 4 tests. Finally, after a three-day search, she had a complete set.

          The results are rolling in, and it looks like the six pounds of salmon, the two trays of my homemade baklava, the catered tray of Chicken Francaise (for 12), the six kinds of cheese, the pecan pie, the two half-gallons of ice cream, the batch of Christmas cookies, the cupcakes, and the seemingly 200 pounds of fruit will have someone besides My Guy and me to consume them. 


                             Merry Christmas


  1. Have a Merry Christmas! Keep on writing! :)

  2. I am so glad you found the tests (which are rarer than hen's teeth here). And even more glad that Mamie's end was quick.
    Hugs and a very merry family packed Christmas to you.

  3. Sounds like a good news Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the best for 2022.

    1. Thanks, Red. Merry Christmas to you as well!

  4. Going quickly means Mamie didn't suffer and I'm happy about that. She was a sweetie.
    Tests here are only just beginning to be available, mostly in the big Chemist Warehouse stores, smaller pharmacies don't get them until January and supermarkets even later I think. We're just not as on top of things as we should be. it's a good thing I enjoy staying home.
    That sure is a lot of food.

    1. A lot of food? Three teenage grandsons. I just hope I have enough!

  5. I am also glad to hear that Mamie went quickly. I am still a little sad over her being gone. Since I don't have any pets because of where we live (other than my sweet partner), I enjoy others through blogs. I am wishing you and your wonderful family a great holiday! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :-)

  6. I hope you have a good holiday! That is a cooking extravaganza!

  7. May your Christmas been as happy as it could be.

  8. I hope that is going well. We had a good Eve and Day.


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